There are many reasons for poor posture, such as lack of core strength, obesity, and nowadays, the most common being spending endless hours at laptops or even frequently tilting heads forward to check phones.
A bad posture often results in a hunched or slouched back or may give rise to lower back issues or even cause excessive tension in the neck, shoulders or joints, which leads to uneven weight distribution. And in extreme cases it may even cause a slip disc.
These are some of my favorite yoga poses that stretch and lengthen the spine, release tension in the shoulders and energise the body by providing a fresh supply of blood to the vertebrae.

Ushtrasana or Camel Pose: This pose tops my list since it corrects the slouchy back and opens the heart, which improves respiratory function. If you are unable to come into the posture use a block to support you to get the benefits.
Key tips to remember
While doing this pose is to keep the thighs parallel, chest lifted and hips pushed forward.
If you feel compression in the lower back, you can keep your hands on the back instead of on the heels.
If you feel comfortable, drop your head back to extend the neck. Stay here for 3-5 deep breaths.

Adho Mukha Shwanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose: This is also one of my favourites since it is an easy Yoga that incorporates spinal extension and releases tension in the neck, stiffness in the shoulders and tones the back.
Key tips to remember
While doing this pose, lengthen the spine and flatten the back pushing your chest to the thighs instead of rounding it.
Try to press your heels down on your mat with your knees straight, this will stretch out your hamstrings.
Remember not to hyperextend your elbows.

Markatasana – Supine Twist : It is important for your back to feel good after practicing stretches and backbends. Markatasana allows to alleviate any kind of aches in the lower back, and shoulders and strengthens the muscles of the back. Twists also aid in massaging the abdominal muscles and improving digestion.
Key tips to remember
Ensure that both your shoulder blades are on your mat and not lifted up
Your head should be looking in the opposite direction of your knees
Hold the pose for at least 3 breaths on each side.
Last but not least is a quick tip to correct the posture instantly. You could do this anytime during the day whenever you become aware of your posture. All you need to do is to roll the shoulders back and down, take the arms behind and hold the elbow with the opposite hand. Suck the belly in and look straight ahead.
Correct your posture by practicing these poses and ensure you have a healthy spine and a strong back. Let me know how these poses worked for you.
Thanku for this blog. They don’t simply say you are as young as your spine. Keep blogging.